Thursday, April 26, 2018

A note to Bill Cosby - What is your problem, not willing to hire professionals ?

Mr. Bill:

You have  represented the good in American Consciousness, and I do not want to detract from this, attitude, you represented to the adoring American audience you once commanded.  Fat Albert, and Cosby situation comedy's.

God, and his implementing assistant DNA, made us all horny.  We all want to "fuck".

Without this urge, human cellular life on this planet would have vanished

Stronger males, in earlier incarnations, with superior physical power would simply "take" the object of their interest, unless of course they had to conquer another male with similar designs.

Now days with different conceptions of dominance, money and power, (civilized) often  "take" women in new methods, preying on females need for survival, in a male dominated society.

You could have paid a "professional" or a upcoming member of the emerging gene pool, and just keep this secret game from Camille.  You are lucky she has stood by you.  

Gary Ozenne 

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