January 17, 2018 A fire, on December 4, 1917, caused me to find a domicile elsewhere. Tonight is the first time this laptop computer got online. It's January 17, 2018 It's Scotts and my friends birthday its Gina's Birthday! But also the date I tasted justice , when the BAP, Bankruptcy Appellate Panel, Reversed, with a Published Opinion, bankruptcy judge ;the honorable Meredith Jury. Two years earlier, Chase Manhattan, and fraudulent service agent Ocwen Federal Bank, FSB. issued a deed to my house, to a third party, while I was protected by a bankruptcy stay. I informed the judge, who ruled the court had no jurisdiction. This began a 15 year struggle to get my day in court, to tell my story, let an impatial panel of my peers, determine the facts, and the court to apply the law. So far, this has not happened http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/bap/2012/11/15/Ozenne-04-1456_01_17_2006.pdf .